Red Flag Hosba Trail

19 December, 2011

This is a major breakthrough  in trail exploration in 2011. A credit should be given to Red Flag Jitra Team under leadership Nasrul Lontruth. Their enthusiasm and never ending trial and error has met them with a new and virgin trail code named Hosba Trail. The trail located in Hosba north of Jitra stretching through Guar Napai with lenght of 15KM (as of now). However, there is more new road which can be expanded.

This is the "2011 Trail Of The Year" fully endorsed by Gerek Baru. It has all the technical and adrenaline you would expect in extreme XC trail. My first initial ride is positive. The Jitra Bike Park is too short and risky. The CP3 is quite boring. The Jati Perik is straight forward. The Jati-Pallas-Bukit Wang also the same. The Hosba Trail is the solution. It has opened a new dimension in extreme riding. I am still gathering a GPS trackline and more photos for the trail.

Thanks Ustaz Raja for the photos.


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