Gerek Baru Attitude

10 April, 2012

Gerek Baru Jitra has a rich history of mountainbiking. We have trained and developed several layers of riders all accross Jitra. We also opened up several routes and tracks all accross hilly and jungles that most people never imagined. We have spent most of our precious time cutting through way developing mountainbiking for next generation of riders. Gerek Baru has an attitude. People will come and go, the attitude remains.

There are certain characteristic which are distinct. There are different way of doing things. The way of socializing and greeting people. The way communication and confrontation are handle. There are so distinct. These are attitude. Gerek Baru attitude. The attitude to move to the next level.

If you got no attitude, please stay behind. Because after this, walk with attitude, ride with attitude, smile with attitude.


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