Mountainbike Clinic At Jitra

28 April, 2012

Course Name: Basic Mountainbike Clinic
Organizer: Pejabat Belia Dan Sukan , Negeri Kedah.
Date: 26-28 April, 2012
Instructor: Mohd Nasron
Officiated By: Timbalan Pengarah, Jabatan Belia Dan Sukan, Negeri Kedah.

About 40 youth took part in basic mountainbike clinic at Hotel Darulaman, Jitra. They are taught about basic mountainbiking theory and also practice. The practice were done at Jitra Bike Park and CP3 trail. Gerek Baru Jitra also sent a team of riders to oversee the trail and guide the rider. The participants also were given the certificate after completing the course.

Nasron as the chief instructor showing the jumping technique
"I need something to overcome the fear factor, please.."
These are an unlicensed instructor
Steady Ustaz Raja
The Black and Red Team
Alias Dpallas showing basic survival skills


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