Menjinakkan Gergasi Hitam

31 January, 2010

Setelah hampir dua tahun berkecimpung dalam dunia basikal gunung ekor keras, inilah kali pertama tranformasi besar besaran dibuat terhadap jentera kayuhan. Operasi menukar badan dibuat dengan berhati hati. Ia perlu mengambil kira keadaan kewangan yang ketat. Badan yang dipilih mestilah benar benar bersesuaian dan serasi dengan pemiliknya.

Sepanjang tahun, banyak jentera telah dianalisa dan di pandu uji. Profil dan kecenderungan kayuhan terus dikutip. 80% kayuhan dilakukan di luar jalan yang banyak melalui pendakian, rentasan desa dan penerjunan bukit yang agresif. Badan jentera yang dipilih mestilah lebih kecil dan ringan dengan geometri mantap untuk kendalian yang sukar. Ternyata gergasi hitam menjadi pilihan. Ia bukanlah yang terbaik tetapi yang paling serasi dan memenuhi sempadan yang ditetapkan.

Seramai lapan jentera ekor keras berlepas dari Taman Suria Jitra ke laluan Hutan Simpan Bukit Wang temasuklah kayuhan sulung gergasi hitam. Gergasi hitam cukup responsif dan terus mengikut liuk lentok badan seperti yang diarahkan. Sampai dipertengahan Hutan Simpan, kumpulan pengayuh berpecah kepada dua. Satu kumpulan ingin mencuba laluan terjunan graviti dan berjinak jinak kearah menjadi penerjun bukit sepenuh masa. Gergasi hitam memilih untuk ke CP3 dimana ujian sebenar untuknya sedang menunggu.

Gergasi hitam ternyata sukar dijinakkan di CP3. Ia mencanak bukit balak bagaikan dikejar anjing. Kendaliannya cukup tepat. Liuk lentuk terjunan bukit berketepatan tinggi. Ringan. Geometri sedia lumba juga sesuai diatas jalan raya. Cukup serasi dengan fizikal penunggang yang ringan dan pipih. Kombinasi semanggang Manitou tujuh R menyerap asakan demi asakan laluan turunan berbatu kasar penuh bergaya. Kepuasan menyerlah. Keyakinan bertambah.

Spesifikasi terkini:
Badan : Giant XTC Team 2009 ekor keras
Semanggang serap hentak : Manitou R Tujuh
Perubah landasan depan dan belakang : Shimano Deore
Batang pemegang tempat duduk: KCNC Scandium TI Prolite
Perewel: Shimano Deore
Rakap: Shimano SPD
Buyung: Belakang-Deore XT dan depan Novatec bebola tutup penuh.

Siapa kata bahasa melayu tidak sesuai untuk penulisan teknikal? Tidak selari dengan peraliran teknologi? Hakikatnya bahasa melayu cukup indah dan terus selari dengan peredaran zaman.



Kepten Jamal

Syam Gfisher

atbata- prestasi yang sedang meningkat. Pemegang plet 356 RUN10 mewakili Gerek Baru

Yellow Black Is Coming In Downtown

24 January, 2010


Yellow black? Is it a good combination? Some people said a good friend of black is only white. It might be true but not necessarily. What if yellow sit in between black and white? It is interesting combination indeed.

Anyhow black is considered elegant. It is reserved but dominant. It is low profile but commanding. It is color of formality. Its darkness soften every bright and bold. Its darkness neutralize everythings. Black considered hard work and endurance. The addition of yellow make it hard to tame. Gerek Baru welcome yellow black in its stable.

CP3 Warm Up Ride for SIT Jamboree

23 January, 2010

Gerek Baru will send a small team of selected rider to the SIT Jamboree of whom all registered under RedFlag Jitra. Bravo SIT Jamboree.



Zaim- very experience rider. Strong on climbing as well as aggressive on downhill.

atbata- the rising star. bata is actually his birthplace, the area along the road between Jitra and Bukit wang.

Squeeze Money Anyone?

16 January, 2010



Today 7 Jitra ketegar riders came up all the way from Alor Setar and Jitra to Changloon to feel the thrill of Wang Perah Trail. Some people call this trail 'squeeze money ', what I know this trail truly squeeze my sweat out with long climbing and long long downhill. This ride is part of our mission to foster close relationship with other riders in the vicinity and also to run away from boredom out of our routine ride.

We would like to thank Tandope Yati Sram of being a host to this event. This event shows that a lot of progress can be made from our visit. Jitra and Changloon area are not that far and has a lot of mountainous terrain good for mountainbike trail. Bukit Wang, Wang Perah and Sintok are part of the same terrain which will create hundred of kilometre of fun thrill trail if can be linked together. May be it is worth to map 'garmin' this area properly. A rather ambitious project...??

Husin meets DSLR

04 January, 2010

All photo reproduced from Tandope and RedFlag Jitra, all rights reserved.

Lebai Husin ...At Last

03 January, 2010


Bukit Lebai Husin, Sintok situated at the back of UUM campus close to the Thai border. Thank god it is only Lebai Husin not Haji Husin. Overall mission was accomplished. Only on the last 10% climbing to the finished line, only a handful of riders able to make it, the rest decided to retreat but not surrender..including me he..he.. Some of the riders lost in the logging trails on the way back and had to return to the top. Thank to chief de mission Tandope for his expertise on the area, still able to recall some of the routes and quick decision.

The mission organized by Tandope and the changlon riders. Very successful, lots of water refill station and nasi lemak.. bravooo (tak nyesal aku pakai jersey taiping jamboree)

Changlun riders- Tandope(chief de mission), rushdone, azizul, achik and amir plus.
Jitra ketegar riders- zn, cikgu lotfi, pudin and sham gfisher.
Perlis riders- Abg Ron, mat doha and at nxt
Alor setar- at and at of tanjung musang
Red flag- nasron lontruth and wan blitz(pro photographer)
Support- 2 trail guides with one 4WD

man of the week famous all around asia

In front of communist tunnel- muka sorang sorang pun macam komunis



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